Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The panel will consist of a moderator, three Israeli
and three Arabartists working in various media, and coming
from diverse political and cultural backgrounds.
The program will be presented in three parts,
incorporating both panel and audience participation.
Following a brief visual presentation by each artist,
the panel will examine the artists work in context of critical
issues from the region.
The evening will finish with a question and answer period inviting
the audience into the conversation. Reception to follow.

By raising these questions, we strive to initiate a thread
of creative exchange and mutual dialogue between the artists.
Our goal is to promote forthright conversation in a challenging
and non-violent environment leading to a deeper understanding
between the Israeli and Arab communities in the United States and Middle East).

Split Ends-mission statement

In an attempt to bridge the gap between pluralism
and extreme ideologies,A.I.R. Gallery is hosting
an evening of public discussion between Israeli
and Palestinian artists.

This event aims to strengthen the ties between
Israeli and Palestinian artists by encouraging
meaningful conversation about the nature of art
and cultural identity in the Middle East.
Participating artists will explore the relationship
between their identities as individual artists
and their national identity as Israelis and Arabs.
How does the social and political environment
impact the artist and how does the art affect the environment?